Dental Sealants

Dental Sealants

In preventive dentistry, dental sealants are a crucial tool for safeguarding against tooth decay and cavities. Tooth decay, commonly known as dental caries, occurs when acids produced by bacteria in the mouth erode the teeth's protective layers, leading to cavities forming. The primary causes of tooth decay include poor oral hygiene, frequent consumption of sugary and acidic foods, inadequate fluoride exposure, and factors like dry mouth or genetic predisposition.

Dental sealants are thin, protective coatings applied to the chewing surfaces of molars and premolars, effectively sealing off deep pits and fissures where bacteria and food particles can accumulate. By creating a barrier against decay-causing agents, dental sealants provide an additional layer of protection, reducing the risk of cavities and preserving the integrity of the teeth. This preventive measure primarily benefits children, adolescents, and individuals with deep grooves on their teeth, offering long-lasting protection against tooth decay and promoting optimal oral health.

Who Could Benefit from Dental Sealants?

Children and adolescents are prime candidates for dental sealants due to their susceptibility to cavities during the formative years of tooth development. The chewing surfaces of molars and premolars contain deep pits and fissures that are difficult to clean with regular brushing and flossing, making them prone to decay. Dental sealants provide additional protection, sealing off these vulnerable areas and reducing the risk of cavities. By applying sealants as soon as the permanent molars erupt, typically between the ages of 6 and 12, children can benefit from long-lasting protection against tooth decay during their most cavity-prone years.

While dental sealants are commonly associated with children, adults can also benefit from this preventive treatment, especially if they are at higher risk of cavities. Individuals with deep pits and fissures on their teeth, a history of cavities, or difficulty maintaining optimal oral hygiene may benefit from sealants to protect against decay. Additionally, adults with restorative dental procedures such as dental crowns or bridges may find sealants beneficial for preserving the remaining natural teeth from decay.

Individuals with special needs, including those with developmental disabilities or cognitive impairments, may have difficulty maintaining proper oral hygiene, which increases their risk of cavities and tooth decay. Dental sealants in Lemoore, CA, offer an effective preventive measure to protect teeth from decay and minimize the need for invasive dental procedures. Sealants can be particularly beneficial for individuals with limited manual dexterity or sensory sensitivities, as they provide an extra layer of protection against cavities without requiring daily maintenance. Contact us today!

How Are Dental Sealants Applied?

Applying dental sealants, as a preventive measure, is simple, painless, and highly effective in reducing the risk of cavities. It begins with thorough preparation to ensure optimal adhesion and effectiveness. The tooth surface is cleaned meticulously to remove plaque, debris, or bacteria. Next, the tooth is dried thoroughly to create a clean, dry surface to which the sealant material can adhere. An etching solution may sometimes be applied to the tooth surface to create a slightly rough texture, enhancing the bond between the sealant and the tooth. 

Once the tooth surface is prepared, the dental sealant material is applied directly onto the chewing surfaces of the molars or premolars. The sealant is typically a liquid resin-based material that flows easily into the deep pits and fissures of the teeth. Your dentist in Lemoore, CA, carefully paints the sealant onto the tooth using a small brush or applicator, ensuring complete coverage of the chewing surface.

After the sealant material has been applied, it is hardened or cured to create a durable protective barrier. Depending on the type of sealant used, curing may be achieved through a chemical reaction or exposure to a special curing light. Curing typically takes a few seconds, resulting in a solid, durable sealant that adheres firmly to the tooth surface. 

Once the sealant has been applied and cured, your dentist at Dr. Riemer Dental Group evaluates it to ensure proper placement and coverage. Any excess sealant material is carefully trimmed and adjusted to ensure a smooth, comfortable fit. The dentist may also perform a final visual inspection to confirm that the sealant is securely bonded to the tooth surface and free from defects.

Following the application of dental sealants, there is typically no downtime or recovery period required. Patients can resume normal activities immediately after the procedure. Maintaining good oral hygiene habits, including regular brushing, flossing, and routine dental checkups, is essential to ensure the longevity and effectiveness of the sealants.

Dental sealants are beneficial for individuals of all ages who are at risk of cavities and tooth decay. If you or your loved ones are considering dental sealants, visit Dr. Riemer Dental Group at 446 C St, Lemoore, CA 93245, or call (559) 924-2520 to discuss whether this preventive measure is right for you. With proper application and maintenance, dental sealants can provide long-lasting protection and contribute to a lifetime of healthy smiles. 

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Lemoore, CA

446 C St, Lemoore, CA 93245


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